At Valletta Suites we are all excited about the new film The King’s Speech. It is probably my favourite movie of the year and for more than one reason.
It could have been filmed at Lucia Nova, or at Maison La Vallette, mixed with the sofa at Valletta Nobile. All the set elements are present at Valletta Suites – and that is why we are so excited.
The film is about King George VI played by Colin Firth, and his struggle to overcome his debilitating stammer through unconventional methods by the speech therapist (role played by Geoffrey Rush). The King’s Speech is in fact more than that, but what fascinated us most was the set design (production designer: Eve Stewart); particularly the scene in Lionel’s office where the King goes for therapy.
The walls in the office are exactly what we have managed to achieve after two years of extensive renovation at Lucia Nova – our latest addition to Valletta Suites. We were stunned by the effect of semi-scraped walls as work was progressing at Lucia Nova. Layers of peeling paint were revealed and the history of the place merge together under our eyes like a tapestry with a thousand hues. What also struck a note about the film set, was the gilt settee in Lionel’s office. This creates a dramatic contrast between the raw walls and the elegant lines of the carved settee. At Lucia Nova we sourced a Venetian headboard upholstered in white silk. This was particularly chosen because of the connection between the two seafaring nations and the history that links them together. The visual effect is stunning just as in Lionel’s office – without the stammering.
Malta’s connection with George VI goes further than our fascination with the similarity between The King’s Speech‘s set and the bedroom walls at Lucia Nova. George VI awarded the Maltese Islands with the George Cross in April of 1942. This is the highest civil decoration. At Maison La Vallette a picture of King George VI holds a prominent place above the headboard. It is a signed limited-edition print by portrait painter Francis E. Hodge dated 1939.
We invite anyone wishing to experience an authentic accommodation in the heart of the World heritage site to stay in one of our unique suites.
The King’s Speech official website: www.kingsspeech.com
Valletta Suites – www.vallettasuites.com